About Me....

Lets begin. You're going to make several lists about you. Don't think too long or hard on the answers. Just write the first 5 things that come to your mind for each topic:

1. Laugh, hang out, be creative, listen to music, travel
2. Homework, watch boring videos, being bored, being tired, Dealing with lazy people
3. Graduating high school, deans list, producing a tv show, losing 50 lbs, saving my money
4. TV stuff, being a total goof, good work ethic, time management
5. sense of humor, style,
6. reliable, shy, outgoing, loud, caring

Next, think about your work.

1. easy, customer service, fun, interactive, good people
2. money, customers, apparel, sporting goods, footwear
3. Registers and computers for products
4. red and black
5. prepared, focused, excellence, work hard, achieve goals,
6. Key Person/Head Cashier

Lastly, think about the job you eventually would like to have.

1. high paying, good benefits, not too stressful, decent hours, exciting
2. nice, caring, good work ethic, fair, easygoing
3. be creative, write, produce, film, edit
4. fast, unsecure, challenging, exciting, different
5. To bring entertainment to a mass audience.


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