Late Night Spiel: The Return

Hello out there to all of the readers. This is a column that I once did a few years back that I called my Late Night Spiel. I was up late and got the urge to write something so I thought I would bring back the title for a new edition. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far.

The last time that I wrote this column was 2009 when I was still at the half way point through college. Since then I have graduated and am currently looking forward to new beginnings. The concept of this column came to me one night while I was working late on a school project. I am usually a night person up late with a cup of coffee until the early morning hours. Nostalgia has been on my mind recently while watching a few old TV shows and researching some old pop culture items from years back on the internet. Nostalgia is such a fun and incredible escape from everyday stress. No matter how rough your day has gone, a quick flashback to an old hangout or a favorite activity from the past always seems to bring a sense of joy to your mind at least for a split second. Technology is so far advanced today that reliving an old memory is easy. Media and pop culture from generation to generation is at our finger tips online.

When the day seems off, take a look back. Relax and have a wonderful Independence Day Weekend.


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